What To Do If You See a Cockroach

So you’ve seen a cockroach, and now you are wondering if it means there are more.

When you see a single cockroach, it usually means there are more nearby. But, a single cockroach doesn’t necessarily mean you have an infestation. To gauge the severity of your roach infestation, you must look for additional signs like droppings, damage, and other roaches.

Read on below and discover exactly what to do if you see a cockroach!

What Are the Steps if You See a Cockroach?

if you see a cockroach

If you see a cockroach, you should take a few steps to assess and address the problem.

  1. Assess the problem based on signs of the infestation.
  2. Get rid of the cockroaches with either DIY solutions or hiring a professional.
  3. Prevent the problem from happening again.

I Saw One Cockroach: Should I be Worried?

Yes, if you see one cockroach during the daytime, you should be worried. Spotting a single cockroach during the day is a significant sign of a roach infestation.

Typically, creepy crawlies like roaches don’t adventure outside their nests during the day unless they are overcrowded and lack food and water. This only happens if there is a large infestation.

If you see a cockroach at night, you should still be concerned, but the problem may not be as severe as seeing one during the day.

Since cockroaches tend to come out at night, seeing one at this time does not necessarily inform you if the problem is large or small. You will need to look for further signs to determine the severity of the situation.

Read More: How to Keep Cockroaches Away at Night

Look for the Signs of a Cockroach Infestation

roach droppings

One of the main signs of a genuine cockroach problem is smear marks. Cockroaches leave behind greasy stains, also known as smear marks, wherever they crawl.

The roach droppings left behind during roach activity clearly indicate that you have a roach problem. Cockroach feces are easy to spot; they look like black pepper splotches of fine coffee grounds scattered around.

The cases of roach eggs aren’t typically visible out in the open for you to find. That means if you see many eggs or egg cases, the roach population in your home must be overcrowded.

runny nose

The majority of damage that cockroaches deal to humans is in the form of allergens and asthma triggers. If you are experiencing allergy or asthma symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, or itchy, watery eyes, it might be a sign of cockroaches.

Cockroaches in your home regularly shed skins during the nymph stage. If you notice large amounts of roach skin in the corners, floors, cabinets, and cracks around your home, you have an infestation. Cockroaches, especially German cockroaches, are also known for having a musky odor.

Getting Rid of Cockroaches

rid of cockroaches

If the signs of a cockroach infestation are present in your home or business, it’s time to act. You will generally have two main routes to kill cockroaches. You can hire a pest control company or try DIY practices.

DIY Options for Getting Rid of Cockroaches

set up traps
Image: Michael Van Vleet


Setting up cockroach traps, including sticky traps, is one of the easiest ways to kill roaches. Roach traps will not reverse your infestation; they only keep them from wandering too far out into your home. Setting out bait stations, or using bait caulking, is another popular way to deal with cockroaches.

Insecticides for roaches come in all shapes, sizes, and forms that you can imagine these days. All you need to do is pick the right one for you and your home or business.

Boric acid is one of the most popular products for use in homes. Apply boric acid to areas where you have seen cockroaches, and watch the bugs start to die.

Read More: How To Use Boric Acid Against Roaches

Hire a Professional Exterminator

professional exterminator

A professional knows how to attract roaches and what kills cockroaches of each specific species. In other words, an exterminator quickly assesses the situation and deals with it adequately (for a price, of course).

Preventing Cockroaches

clean up inside

Keeping the inside of your home clean is the best way to prevent cockroaches from being interested in taking up residence in your house.

This includes keeping garbage bags tied up neatly and indoor and outdoor trash cans sealed with lids.

Trash and debris need cleaning up, trash cans need keeping in order, and food scraps should be thrown in a compost pile (away from the house) or directly into the trash can.

keep food store proper

Keeping food picked up and stored properly is another crucial step for keeping roaches away.

Cereals and other foods in reusable packages need closing up properly and possibly fastened with rubber bands or clips. Leftovers should be dished into sealed containers and stored in the refrigerator or freezer immediately.

Leaky pipes and faucets are one of the primary sources roaches rely on for water to survive. Repairing your leaks or cutting the water off to those problem areas drastically cuts down on future infestations.

If you aren’t confident in your level of knowledge or ability to prevent future infestations, your best bet is to hire a professional to do so for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does One Cockroach Mean An Infestation?

No, one cockroach does not necessarily mean that you have an infestation. However, it is highly likely that if you have seen even one cockroach during the daytime, you probably have a severe problem.

If you saw one at night, you will need to gather more information to determine the extent of the problem.

Should I Squish a Cockroach?

Yes, you should squish a cockroach if you see it. Squishing cockroaches is fine if you have the guts for it. This is false despite popular rumors that squishing roaches spreads their eggs around or attracts other roaches.

Squishing cockroaches does not spread their eggs around, and it repels other curious cockroaches from the area (rather than attracting them) due to the pheromones they release upon death.

What If I See a Cockroach in the Kitchen?

If you see cockroaches in the kitchen, it is a strong sign of a more significant roach problem. The best way to deal with a roach issue in the kitchen is cleaning several times per day, keeping food secure and put up, and employing pest control techniques and products.

Why do Cockroaches Suddenly Appear?

Cockroaches seem to suddenly appear because you have not seen them before. It may seem like they appeared out of thin air, but that is the furthest thing from the truth.

When you notice the roaches in your home or business, they are overcrowded and searching high and low for food sources and moisture. They have probably already been in your home for a while if you are seeing them.

Take Action if You See a Cockroach

If you see a roach, the first thing to do is keep calm. The second step is looking for other signs of a cockroach infestation.

Upon finding the signs of a real roach problem (such as smells, droppings, or dead bodies), it’s time for you to learn how to get rid of cockroaches.

If you’re still unsure if you have a problem but keep seeing roaches, consider calling a professional exterminator to assess the situation.

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