Using Bay Leaves to Repel Roaches

Cockroaches have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. Dating back over 280 million years, these prehistoric arthropods owe their survival to adaptability. Unfortunately, cockroaches’ adaptability is a negative for humans.

The last thing you want is to wake up and find a giant cockroach scurrying across your floor. Luckily, there are many DIY methods to deter pests. Read on to explore how to use bay leaves to repel roaches.

How Do Bay Leaves Repel Roaches?

Bay leaves repel roaches because of their strong smell.

You often find the humble bay leaf in homemade soups and stews. There’s even an age-old tradition at grandma’s house that whoever finds the bay leaf in their bowl has to do the dishes. While bay leaves might be pleasant for us, cockroaches have strong olfactory senses. To put it simply, roaches hate the smell of bay leaves.

Do Bay Leaves Kill Cockroaches?

do bay leaves kill cockroaches

No, bay leaves do not kill cockroaches.

Bay leaves repel roaches. But, the natural remedy will not kill cockroaches. Bay leaves are not harmful to roaches.

Since insects hate the smell, the best use of the bitter aroma is to prevent a future cockroach problem. Killing roaches requires pesticides or a local pest control service.

How to Use Bay Leaves to Repel Roaches

It is best to avoid attracting cockroaches. However, bay leaves make a great preventative measure to repel the disease-harboring insects.

Fresh Bay Leaves to Deter Cockroaches

fresh bay leaves to deter cockroaches

Fresh bay leaves work more effectively than dried leaves. Fresh leaves have a more pungent scent to deter cockroaches. Place a few leaves in the area of your roach infestation and any entry points you have identified.

Fresh bay leaves will lose their effectiveness once wilted and dry. You will need to replace the leaves often to continue deterring the disease-harboring insects. You should always use fresh bay leaves right away.

Grow Bay Laurel Trees

grow bay laurel trees

Bay laurel trees are an effective natural repellant for your yard and outdoor space. These aromatic evergreen trees repel cockroaches and make an effective mosquito repellent oil. Planting fresh bay leaves is a great way to liven up your yard and keep pests from seeking residence in your home.

Dried Bay Leaves to Repel Roaches

dried bay leaves to repel roaches

Not everyone has access to a bay leaf plant or fresh leaves. Chances are good that you have dried leaves in your pantry.

While less effective than fresh leaves, you can sprinkle bay leaves around your home where you have seen signs of a cockroach problem. Roaches hate the strong odor left behind by the essential oils in crushed bay leaves. When using dried bay leaves to repel roaches, use crushed leaves when possible. 



Potpourri is a great way to deter roaches and insects while creating a home decor statement. Place decorative bowls of bay leaves around your home like you would traditional potpourri. You can even add crushed or whole bay leaves to the potpourri you already have on hand.

Other herbs like catnip, mint, and lavender make great additions to dried bay leaves as they possess insect-deterring qualities.



The powdered form of bay leaves repels cockroaches more effectively than whole, dried leaves. Eliminate roaches by creating sachets of ground bay leaves.

Pulse bay leaves into a powder using a food processor and sprinkle the powder behind appliances and inside cracks and crevices to deter roaches.

FAQ About Using Bay Leaves for Roaches

What Are Some Alternatives to Bay Leaves for Roaches?

Alternatives to bay leaves for roaches include other aromatic herbs, such as mint leaves, lavender, catnip oil, and citrus. The strong olfactory senses of cockroaches make repelling the disease-harboring insects easy.

These strong-smelling plants all work to repel roaches indoors. You can also plant one or a few of these aromatic herbs throughout your yard and garden.

Is it Safe to Use Bay Leaves to Repel Roaches?

Yes, it is safe to use bay leaves to repel roaches. Bay leaves are completely harmless to children and pets. However, they can be a choking hazard for humans and animals that accidentally eat whole leaves. The tough, dried leaves do not soften even when heated or wet.

If using the dried leaves indoors around children or pets, it is best to grind the leaves or cut them into smaller pieces.

How Do I Prevent Cockroaches?

To prevent cockroaches, keep your home clean and free from food debris and moisture.  You can take several steps to prevent them from coming into your home.

Cockroaches are one of the most aggressive nuisance pests. Pest control professionals largely consider them to be one of the toughest pests to eliminate. If you do not want to shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars per year for professional pest control, consider taking preventative measures, such as:

  • Keep food in designated eating areas
  • Meal prep foods and implement crumb control
  • Clean food preparation areas and dirty dishes promptly
  • Practice good sanitation habits
  • Maintain a regular cleaning schedule
  • Remove trash
  • Recycle old magazines, newspapers, and boxes
  • Sweep, mop, and vacuum weekly
  • Eliminate leaks and standing water from around your home

Repel Roaches with Bay Leaves

repel roaches with bay leaves

Roaches are stubborn invaders regarded as nature’s leading recycling machines. Natural methods take patience to work effectively.

Minimized pesticide use is always a great option, but remember, bay leaves will only repel cockroaches. They will not solve an active infestation. Those are best left to the professionals.

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